Fish biology laboratory

In the Estonian Marine Institute’s Fish biology laboratory, which is located in Tartu, the preparation of different kinds of classified structures (e.g. otoliths, scales, bones) can be conducted.

The laboratory is equipped with following items:

  • low speed precision saw for making thin sections (Buehler; IsoMet Low Speed Saw);
  • high speed precision saw for making thin sections using a matrix-cut (Struers; Accutom-50);
  • grinder-polisher (Buehler; MetaServ 250) for sanding and polishing.
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Prepared thin sections are used for identifying the age of the fish and for microchemical analyses to investigate the course of life of the fish.

The fish biology laboratory is also equipped with stereo and biological microscopes.


Following ichthyological methods are accredited by Estonian Accreditation Centre (L179 ANNEX):

  • determination of biodiversity, abundance and biomass of fish assemblages;
  • determination of species composition and abundance of salmonids.
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Location: Vanemuise 46a, 51010 Tartu, Estonia

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