Department of Marine Systems

The systems-theoretic approach based multidisciplinary scientific research is focusing on the marine environmental risk assessment and safety management including development of operational tools for oil spill response. Estonian Marine Institute's Department of Marine Systems is actively participating in research coordinated by the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES).

Major research topics:

  • application of the System Theoretic Accident Modelling and Processes (STAMP) approach to maritime safety domain;
  • STAMP-Mar research concept and application positions under development aimed at dynamic safety management of eco-socio-technical maritime navigation system that will network existing systems, systems already under development, and systems to be developed to meet the system safety requirements and to enable high levels of joint connectivity, situational awareness and understanding;
  • development of Next Generation SmartResponse Web (NG-SRW) building on a concept of Cooperating Smart Spaces. The NG-SRW is developed and implemented as an information sharing facility enabling, maintaining and sharing the Common Situation Awareness;
  • Maritime Spatial Planning related environmental management including development of marine and coastal vulnerability and risk profiles, „Environmental management strategy for MSP“ and „Guidelines on environmental management for sustainable maritime spatial planning“;
  • Coherent Linear Infrastructures in Baltic Maritime Spatial Plans - identification of transnational, cross sectoral planning issues;
  • The Baltic blue mussel farming — factual approach to decision making developing and implementing the Baltic blue mussel farming factual approach based the GIS enabled Operational Decision Support System (ODSS) as a user friendly web application;
  • Baltic Sea Region Integrated Maritime Cultural Heritage Management.
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