On 21 February at 14:15 Jack Royd Hall will defend his doctoral thesis "Dissolved organic carbon dynamics of Baltic Sea macroalgae: production, bioavailability and ecosystem effects" for obtaining the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (in Hydrobiology and Fisheries).
Doctoral defence: Gerli Albert "Carbon use strategies of macrophyte communities in the northeastern Baltic Sea: implications for a high CO2 environment" On 27. Oct at 10.15 J. Liivi 2 - 127
On 9 June at 10:15 Ciara Baines will defend her doctoral thesis “Adaptation to oncogenic pollution and natural cancer defences in the aquatic environment”, J. Liivi 2-127 (Tartu) and online
The Deputy Director-General of the European Commission’s Directorate General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, Maive Rute will visit the University of Tartu.
On 16 February at 10:15 Kristiina Nõomaa will defend her doctoral thesis“Role of invasive species in brackish benthic community structure and biomass changes”.
Eesti kalandussektoris on seni puudunud ühtne nõustamis- ja teabesüsteem, kuhu pöördudes saaks ranna- või traalikalur, kala töötlemisega tegelev väike- või mikroettevõtja, kala- või vähikasvataja eria
From 7 October, the University of Tartu invites all employees, students, alumni and their families as well everyone else to orienteering in the city of Tartu.