Services and expertise
Field stations
Department of Fish Biology and Fisheries
Estonian Marine Institute primarily focuses on the research of the ecosystem and functioning of Baltic Sea, evaluation and prognoses of the marine organisms and environment.
The Estonian Marine Institute has five field stations across Estonia (Kõiguste, Kihnu, Käsmu, Praaga, Matsalu).
Field station coordinator: Teemar Püss
Field station coordinator: Vello Peedimaa
The Department of Remote Sensing and Marine Optics mainly focuses on developing optically complex remote sensing methods, suitable for coastal sea and inland waters, and applying those methods.
Estonian Marine Institute's Department of Marine Biology with its competence and activities covers all taxonomic units and size classes of marine life, which exists in Baltic Sea.
The interdisciplinary research of the Estonian Marine Institute's Department of Marine Systems seeks scientific solutions to support the sustainable development of the Baltic Sea ecosystem.
Estonian Marine Institute's Pärnu Department ensures support services for field work in Pärnu and in the Gulf of Riga.
Estonian Marine Institute, University of Tartu Mäealuse 14, 12618 TALLINN
Eesti kalandussektoris on seni puudunud ühtne nõustamis- ja teabesüsteem, kuhu pöördudes saaks ranna- või traalikalur, kala töötlemisega tegelev väike- või mikroettevõtja, kala- või vähikasvataja eria